Monday, December 22, 2008

New unemployment report: Pencils seem all but obsolete

A co-worker just asked to borrow a pencil. It was a request I was unequipped for.

Being that I'm the person our printing vendors will send free samples to (from back when I did a lot of giveaway planning and ordering for client tradeshows), I am the first person to go to for pens, letter openers, jar grips, sticky pads, etc. I blindly throw the items into a drawer until I need a new pen or pad of paper.

My stash of vendor-branded goodies had no No. 2's. A search among other co-workers came up dry as well. Once I thought about it, I didn't have any at home either! Our copywriter was able to save the day with his lone pencil. Are pencils endangered? I do my fair share of writing in PR, but it is all on the computer so I use the backspace. I suppose architechts and artists still have a need.
Oh pencil, I never even said good-bye!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Mission Impossible

Our internet has been in and out (mostly out) all morning!

I'm using these few precious moments that it is working to check and respond to any pressing e-mails, pull clips for a recent press release, pull 2009 editorial calendars, and of course update the blog that I never update. Perfect use of time.

When the internet goes back out, which may be before I can hit "publish post", I'll go back to writing a press release, the ONE thing on today's to-do list that does not require the internet! After that, I'm going to have to get creative with how to do something work related without the internet. Suggestions? Maybe organize my desk? Clean the kitchen? How did people do work without the internet?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wow, I Need to Step it Up

Well obviously, like working out, blogging isn't something you can just skip a few days and then get right back into. You have to keep at it until it is a habit! I haven't had a lack of things to talk about, I've just been so busy and haven't been dedicated! I'll jump back on this... babysteps...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blogging Bandwagon

Approximately 24 hours as a published blogger and zero comments! Life in the fast lane!

I have hope though. As an individual with almost 800 friends on Facebook, a quickly growing professional network on LinkedIn, and a Twitter account, I'm certain to draw some attention once I start a blog, correct?

Not necessarily. I need to write something worth reading. Otherwise, I'm just talking to a brick wall. Funny enough, most people who have been exposed to the chatter-box that is me would say that I would, in fact, talk to a brick wall. So why so shy?

I have been hesitant to jump on the blogger bandwagon for quite some time. Although I advocate the use of blogs by professionals and hobbiests because of the possibilities for knowledge-sharing, exposure, and networking, I've been nervous because I'm still relatively new to my industry. Because I'm "green", I haven't felt confident enough to talk about public relations and marketing with any amount of authority. And what else would I talk about? My life? It all seemed a little too "dear diary". I have also observed that the comments sections of many blogs are quite a breeding ground for hate! Lots of name-calling and the like. As a supporter of open-mindedness and understanding, why would I want to subject myself to that environment?

Well, maybe because my colleagues, peers, and even I recommend blogging to clients. It's time to pinch my nose and knock back a shot of my own tequila. It's kind of like drinking my own Kool-aide but more jarring.

Blogs are a fantastic tool. I'm going to use my tool, the "Carlyn It Like I See It" blog, to provide a look into the world of a young PR & Marketing professional, and as a young woman trying to make it in the real world in general. I'm going to share experiences and observations, I'm going to ask a lot of questions, and I hope someone will find it engaging!

If you blog, what is your goal? What are you looking to get out of it?
If you don't, why not?

What's with the name?

Carlyn is my name and PR is my game. More on the public relations later; today is all about the name. I often find myself in the position where I'm having to pronounce it, spell it, dissect its origins... etc.

First thing first, it is pronounced "car-lin", like the late George Carlin pronounced his last name. My parents testify that they did not name me after him. I have yet to see it in writing.

It is NOT Carolyn. There is no "O". Seems silly that I would have to point that out, but you would be surprised how often the mistake is made!

If you didn't already, now you know how to pronounce my name. Do you now get how amazingly clever the title of this blog is? I can't take all of the credit. The copywriter at my company and author of one of the blogs that I follow, CopyKatz, spent/wasted probably an entire hour of his life helping me come up with that. I think he wants his hour back.

Just for fun, let's talk about the origin of my name. I'm not being full of myself here, but people do ask me, A LOT, where it comes from. It isn't very main stream. From what I have gathered, my name is Gaelic. Gaelic is a "dead" Irish language, although some people (including my grandpa!) still speak it as though it is very much alive. So, the jury is still out on the death of Gaelic. I've never really known what it is Gaelic for, but some sources say it means "Descendant of Cearbhallán". I've also heard it means "little champion" and "witch" !

Are any of these correct? If so, do I fit the meaning of my name? Does anyone care? Do YOU know the answer or have an interesting name/name origin yourself?