It is just something I've learned over the years that makes me feel more organized. I fought it for a while because I'm really trying to be more eco-conscious. Settling for Outlook would probably have less of an impact on my carbon footprint, but my mind keeps wandering back to the paper calendar.
Short list of reasons for my preference:
- The ability to physically "X" through a long day after making it through.
- The decoration possibilities with different colored markers and stickers. (I'm not five. I'm visual.)
- The permanence of pen. I'm more likely to commit to something if I can't easily delete or re-arrange it like I can with computer calendars.
- I can always look at it either on my desk or tacked up on the wall. Heaven forbid I have to minimize windows or fire up the iPhone calendar to see what I'm up to in the near or distant future!
Like I said, that is my short list. How do you prefer to keep your schedule organized?