Monday, December 22, 2008

New unemployment report: Pencils seem all but obsolete

A co-worker just asked to borrow a pencil. It was a request I was unequipped for.

Being that I'm the person our printing vendors will send free samples to (from back when I did a lot of giveaway planning and ordering for client tradeshows), I am the first person to go to for pens, letter openers, jar grips, sticky pads, etc. I blindly throw the items into a drawer until I need a new pen or pad of paper.

My stash of vendor-branded goodies had no No. 2's. A search among other co-workers came up dry as well. Once I thought about it, I didn't have any at home either! Our copywriter was able to save the day with his lone pencil. Are pencils endangered? I do my fair share of writing in PR, but it is all on the computer so I use the backspace. I suppose architechts and artists still have a need.
Oh pencil, I never even said good-bye!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Mission Impossible

Our internet has been in and out (mostly out) all morning!

I'm using these few precious moments that it is working to check and respond to any pressing e-mails, pull clips for a recent press release, pull 2009 editorial calendars, and of course update the blog that I never update. Perfect use of time.

When the internet goes back out, which may be before I can hit "publish post", I'll go back to writing a press release, the ONE thing on today's to-do list that does not require the internet! After that, I'm going to have to get creative with how to do something work related without the internet. Suggestions? Maybe organize my desk? Clean the kitchen? How did people do work without the internet?