Monday, April 13, 2009

Update: Avoiding the Unavoidable

Guess who finally got her taxes done two days before deadline?



I had to tell Mr. $225 that it was over between us and I was going to try it on my own.

Parents and I tried to sit down and do my taxes and if there could have been a fourth individual sitting at that kitchen table, it would have been the "FAIL WHALE"!!!!

Ten at night on Easter Sunday, we waved our white flag and I was instructed to march myself over to H&R Block the next day, which I did. Easy as pie! Why didn't I think of that before?

I'll tell you:
I DID think of it but hesitated because taxes are one of those things where attention to detail seems pretty key and it is hard to associate such a mainstream brand with attention to detail. I think of H&R Block and think of "plug and play", not "paying close attention".

They did do a great job with me today and I'm sure the whole thing went off without a hitch... but I still don't know if my "plug and play" perception of the brand has changed. Probably because they literally began plugging numbers into the computer screen as soon as I sat down. Where is the "get to know you" conversation? I mean I'm giving you my social security number people! I don't even give that to someone who has bought me dinner and you're trying to charge me money! Would it kill you to get to know me?

Do I ask too much of big brands? I miss my expensive tax-man because he provided a superior customer experience. I felt a lot more trusting leaving my tax appointment a year ago then I did today.

Now I steal a page from Jerry Springer's playbook and leave you with my final thoughts:
Brands: There is something to be said for "small but mighty"
Taxes: Yup, those still suck

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